Friendship, Fellowship and Fun
To All Members,
Whilst you are recommended to stay at home, your Club has decided to send out a Weekly Bulletin to maintain communications with our members and your friends at your Club. This will not be the only communication tool available, as Chris Smith has activated the Probus Taylors Lakes Facebook Page you can join or the Probus Taylors Lakes Web Site, has relevant information available, including the current and previous copies of our Monthly Newsletters with Committee contact information and other relevant details.
Finally, you can also make contact with our Media Officer, Chris Smith, if you have some interesting information you would like to distribute to the members of our Club.
Regarding members who do not receive emails or available to utilize the other communication tools above, your Club is organizing a ring around for these members. But we request you all to keep up communications with your friends, so no one falls between the cracks.
As you know, I like to call out and thank members for their great efforts and at this time, I would like to thank Gary Niewand and Doris Spiteri for making the effort to attend our General and AGM Meetings at the Taylors Lakes Hotel, even though they had been cancelled in these extraordinary times. They have been noted as attending the monthly meeting, well done.
It is amazing when we are retired, how many hours we spend at home and believe being restricted to home for at least (2) two weeks would be easy, but is different when you are told by our PM you must stay at home. To assist I have listed below activities I have been up to this week:-
- Long walk to Keilor and return with recovery time.
- Catch up on gardening
- House work, man’s work never ends.
- Foxtel movies plus catch up on Box Office Series.
- Solitaire Challenge and this is a big one, with up to (4) four hours per day.
- Friday is scheduled for a walk and long lunch at home with the wife, not sure this will end well, as we will discuss lots of items.
You may have some other activities, which keep you occupied/busy, so let members know of your ideas.
In regard to overseas trips we had organized and paid for, the wife’s Kokoda Trek was postponed 48 hours prior to leaving, big disappointment following (4) four months of hard training, but has now been rescheduled for June, if all OK by then. With our trip to Mauritius in May, this has been postponed to May 2021 Tour. As a positive, there are no costs involved with rescheduling these events.
This will do for this week, but if you are home and need to speak to someone, please remember your Club Committee is available for a telephone call and we look forward to moving on from these tough times, to a time when we can all gather and enjoy each other’s company once again.
Please keep safe and well and as it is being often said in the media, we will get through this by helping each other.
Bruce Verlander,
Probus Taylors Lakes.
26th March 2020.
Hi Bruce, I was not aware about a Mauritius trip. I know that there was a trip to Morocco, spain etc. Can you clarify please.
Bruce was talking about his own private trip plans.