Forest Glade Gardens and Stokes Collection

With the weather forecasting possible rain, over 20 members braved what is usually a chilly Macedon for a visit to the Forest Glade Gardens and Stokes Collection. The collection represents the life-long passion of Cyril Stokes and due to his generosity, The Stokes Collection has now become a Trust to ensure it remains in perpetuity for the public to visit and enjoy for generations to come. Our guide Gemma was amazing in her knowledge, accompanied by Robert who was also obviously a keen lover of the collection. Members were taken on a 2-hour tour of Cyril Stokes’ home where the breathtaking collection is housed.

Following the tour, the gardens beckoned. The weather held and was pretty mild and dry and members broke off into groups. Some picnicked in the grounds, whilst others went to the local hotel or café before returning to the gardens and taking time to stroll around. Being on the side of a mountain it was sometimes steep or hard under foot so I wouldn’t recommend this if you have trouble on slopes or with steps as handrails were limited, but overall, there was lots to see, including some amazing sculptures strategically placed throughout the gardens. A return in spring is a must.

Forest Glade Gardens and Stokes Collection