Dear Probian Friends thank you all for voting me into the position of Probus Taylors Lakes President 20/21. I would firstly like to thank Bruce Verlander for all his hard work as the leader in the past year, Bruce has with the help of Chris Smith developed the Web site of Taylors Lakes Probus to great success now we all can keep up with the Monthly News Letter as well past & future news and events. “I do suggest the password stay the same” I also would like the mention the super effort Bruce has given our club in making it a bigger & I suggest a better club with new ideas such as “a member’s story” he also worked with Graeme & Leonie in the new Growth in New Membership thankyou Bruce for a position well done I feel with the help of the new committee I will be able to follow.
I would like to thank our past committee Member’s for their great work as it stands with 97 members and a few more to join, sad to say goodbye to Peter Jeffers for his help & support, Peter is not leaving the club just the committee.
I now would like to thank 2 important members of our club Laurie Stapleton our secretary and Shirley Jakowenko treasure, both staying on for the 20-21 year. I am very happy to have the support of Graeme Hewitt as our new Vice President Elect and my right hand man, and not forgetting our great committee Leonie Mogford ( New Membership) Nilda Escalante ( Garden & outings ) Greg Sibley ( Golf & Outdoors ) Ron Bell ( Outings & Walks ) Rob Louden ( Guest Speakers ) thanks for staying on the committee. Many thanks to 2 lovely ladies in Anne Newgar & Mary Smith for their hard work at the events desk, some great outings/ events/ Christmas Lunch /BBQ’s and not forgetting our Bright Holiday, thank you ladies. To Dawn Read & all the helpers on the trading table thank you, and to all our friends who donated items for the table.
To Bernadette Tait for all those raffle tickets/lunches/dinners & outings you organise and the special effort you / Michael & Jenny Wakling do on the front desk to meet & great the members as we arrive.
We now have 4 new committee members into the team Doreen Mathews/Sam Rizzo/Jan Sibley Elizabeth Mulguiney
Please take care with the deadly CORONA virus it appears it’s a day by day situation as you can see the Hotel has carried out the Health Dep’t orders we are sorry the outings/dinners/ Bus trip are not on it is impossible to arrange any groups. If anyone is in need of any help of any sort please advise a Probus Committee member, and anyone who is sick we all are only a phone call away.
Be safe / healthy / happy / God Bless you all.
Lorraine Martin President Probus Taylors Lakes 23-3-2020
PS: “Zoom meeting extra”
Thank you to all our Probus members who have been diligently practicing in the social distancing and staying home where possible the Government are telling us we are doing an excellent job. “Have another $100.00” lol lol
I know during this challenging time it is difficult to separate yourself from family and friends, but it is important that we continue to do this to keep ourselves and loved ones safe.
As a Probus Club we are successfully following the Government advice, I am confident that we can continue to keep ourselves safe from the COVID-19 Virus.
Please continue to be kind to each other, this is a very tough time for all, but I am proud of our Probus Taylors Lakes Club and the super extra effort our past president Bruce Verlander and Chris Smith have handled this situation,
Thank you and God bless all.
Lorraine Martin
President Probus Taylors Lakes 27-4-2020